13th Annual Aquaponics Conference (Dallas, TX)
Indoor Ag-Con is pleased to share that our marketing partner, The Aquaponics Association, will be hosting their 13th Annual Aquaponics Conference in Dallas, TX from 09/12/24-09/15/24. This conference will also include a 1-day preconference workshop (tickets purchased separately) on 09/12 hosted at Texas A&M Agrilife Center (Dallas, TX), which is geared towards beginning aquaponic farmers, students, as well as those who wish to further their aquaponic learning!
Check out the recently release conference schedule here — The Aquaponics Conference
Overall, they are anticipating 300+ attendees from a diverse background (nonprofits, industry players, producers, academia/students, educators, and interested stakeholders) during the event. The 3-day conference will include two days of presentations from industry experts, researchers, students, nonprofits, and others involved in aquaponics as well as one day of touring Timberview Farmstead, a local aquaponic farm. e (https://aquaponicsconference.org/).
You can find all of this information and more through rhe conference website (https://aquaponicsconference.org/) or you can reach out directly via email (Coordinator@aquaponicsassociation.org)