Aphids Eliminated With Organic Nanotechnology in PureCrop1, U.C. Study Shows
As an all-in-one agricultural formula, Indoor Ag-Con Exhibitor PureCrop1 is revolutionizing the agriculture industry with nanotechnology and clean colloidal chemistries. Made from seven plant-based, organic ingredients, PureCrop1 efficiently eliminates sap-sucking pests, molds, & mildews, boosts plant health, and more effectively delivers nutrients than water alone.
The Pure Results
A U.C. Davis study solidified PureCrop1 as an effective control for aphids when they concluded the results of the organic formula against four common aphids.
After performing the study, Brook C. Murphy, Ph.D., U.C. Davis entomologist, stated, “Overall, the results of these evaluations provide encouraging evidence that PureCrop1 could be developed into an effective, reliable and easy-to-use commercial insecticide against aphid pests.”
A single application of PureCrop1 at a low rate of 0.66% v/v sufficiently eliminated all aphids from the plants in 24 to 36 hours. The tests also revealed that the organic formula is effective under a broad range of conditions in home and commercial applications as a pest control tool and proved easy to mix with no visible residue left behind.
The nanotechnology-derived solution controls aphids and other sap-sucking insects in all plant environments, including greenhouses, hydroponics, and indoor gardens. It can eliminate all types of aphids, including the ants that tend them, the honeydew they excrete, and the mold caused by the honeydew.
PureCrop1 also takes pride in being friendly to the environment, kids, pets, & even beneficial insects. The proprietary, science-driven formulation process delivering clean, sustainable, yet potent results is what distinguishes PureCrop1 from any other product on the market, making it a true trailblazer for the future of agriculture.
Find out more by visiting PureCrop1 at booth 4002 during Indoor Ag-Con or visit www.purecrop1.com