From Urban Ag News: What is AI? How Will It Be Used In Greenhouses, Indoor Farms and Commercial Horticulture?
Whether you grow ornamental crops, cannabis or greenhouse vegetables there are numerous companies that are promising to optimize processes, increase efficiency, and improve overall crop yields. After having many conversations with growers in greenhouses, vertical farms and other indoor (and outdoor) growing facilities, Christopher Higgins & the Urban Ag News team put together a short article outlining the types of technologies being proposed and their capabilities at this stage in the product development process.
The way they see it, there are five types of “AI” terminologies/technologies being marketed, developed and used in some form or fashion: Digital Twins, Generative AI, Intelligent Algorithms, Sensing/Computing Vision and Robotic.
Based on the research the Urban Ag News team has access to, including websites of businesses targeting commercial horticulture and controlled environment agriculture, they see companies using these five types of AI to enhance the following functions…
Read the full article at Urban Ag News here.
AI, Artificial intelligence, Computer vision, Generative AI, greenhouse, horticulture, indoor farm, robotics, Smart Algorithms